Baldushk, with its widely territorial expansion, is located 15 km in the south-western part of Tirana. The stream of Zhullima flows along its territory and it is composed of fields, lower and moderately high hills, slopes and valleys. It is part of a Mediterranean climate area.
The panoramic valley of Baldushk that is composed of a combination of the flat relief with the hilly one, and somehow even mountainous one. It offers diverse touristic potentials, such as rivers, mountains and agrotourism.
The inhabitation of these areas is primeval. The tracks of an ancient dwelling have been discovered in Koçaj village in Baldushk. This dwelling belongs to 1st century AD. In addition, In same place some ceramic fragments have been revealed there, such as: pithos parts and kitchen utensils which testify the existence of a rustic settlement.
Apart from them, two plinths of ancient sculptures, badly damaged, have been found. Horses and a child keeping their reins with his hands were sculptured on each of them. Both sculpture groups are almost the same and perhaps they were both the work of the same artisan. The plinths with the half-circle shapes, with a diameter 41-42 cm and with the thickness 5 cm, are made of white marble. In one of the sculpture compositions, an undamaged horse was found, with the height 35 cm. The meaning of the scene becomes clear through the inscriptions carved in both plinths. The inscription in Greek is dedicated to the Dioscuri (protective deity of the travelers and sailors) from people who are classified as freed slaves of the emperor. Their discovery is important relating the path that traverses Zhullima valley in antiquity.
The treatment of the sculptures and the style of the letters dates them back in the 2nd century A.D. They are exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum.
Vrap Treasure
A spectacular treasure of 5,6 kg gold and 1,5 kg silver was found in 1901 in Baldushk (600 m above the sea level, about 25 km in the southern part of Tirana). It contained 41objects such as, golden cups, equipment with gold bars, golden ingot, silver cups, etc.
According to the Austrian scholar J. Werner, the treasure of Avars origin should have arrived at Vrap through Egnatia road and it belongs to the last decade of the VII century AD. It is one of the most important treasures of the early Medieval Times of the South-eastern Europe.
After it was discovered, the entire treasure ended up in the trade of the international art, and it has been at Metropolitan Museum of New York since 1917, which is inherited from J.P. Morgan.
Discovery of five Roman sculptures in Baldushk
Five mortal Roman monuments of over one metre were discovered in June 2010. It is thought they belong to III-IV century AD. These bas-relief sculptures belong to the Roman period and were inscribed in a local manufactory.
Turkeys Day in Baldushk
The region of Baldushk is popular for the breeding of turkeys; it is a tradition of the area. By Christmas and New Year’s Eve, this village gets the special attention of the consumers who are interested in buying the turkeys, which is known as the symbol of the table during these celebrations.
The Turkeys day is a traditional festival in this area where the community is known for their breeding. It is organized the contest battle between the turkeys in the presence of several spectators not only from the community but even spectators who came from Tirana. The winner is awarded with a symbolic prize. The organization period of this activity is December.