Culture Heritage includes tangible and intangible heritage, as a cultural entirety, bearer of historical memory and national identity, that have scientific or cultural significance.
Culture Heritage includes tangible heritage (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art and various objects) and intangible heritage, spiritual culture (such as folklore, traditions, language and traditional knowledge).
Tangible or Material Cultural Property is the entirety of movable and immovable property, that has artistic, historical, archaeological, architectural, urban, ethnographic, archival, bibliophilic interest as well as other objects, defined or provided by law as bearers of assets that belong to civilizations.
Intangible Cultural Assets are intangible cultural values, practices, appearances, expressions, know-how, tools, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces that create and accompany them, which communities, groups and individuals accept as integral part of their heritage.They are created and passed down from generation to generation influenced by environment and history, which give them biocultural identity and continuity.
Cultural landscape assets are parts of the territory, the character of which is formed by the action of natural or human factors as well as by their interactions, which have historical, cultural, natural, morphological and aesthetic interest.
Material culture heritage is divided into two major groups:
a) Immovable material culture heritage
b) Movable material culture heritage
The group of immovable tangible culture heritage includes all the evidence of architectural character related to a defined place and natural context.They are results of construction and planning activity of the past and are represented by simple individual constructions or of great architectural value,residential or social buildings, objects of cult or engineering as well as public spaces and squares.
They include special monuments that are found in groups,in complete condition or in ruins and emerging as result of archaeological excavations, special works or urban, rural, historical, architectural or ethnological ensembles as well as technological objects, industrial, transport or military of the past.
The group of movable tangible culture heritage includes objects, the function and stability of which is not related to the placement in a certain place in space, but their integrity is preserved even after relocation to other places than that of origin.
This group includes movable architectural objects or parts of them, archeological objects brought to light from archeological excavations, artistic creations of all kinds, archives and archival collections, manuscripts and publications with special historical and bibliographic values, numismatic, philatelic collections of art, tools and mechanisms of daily use, special handicraft values, ethnographic and historical values, technologies of traditional products, personal objects of prominent historical figures etc.
Intangible or spiritual culture heritage implies practice, figures, expressions, language, knowledge and traditional creativity as well as tools, objects, crafts and cultural spaces which accompany them, which communities, groups and at times, individuals accept as part of their culture heritage.This intangible culture heritage, passed down from generation to generation, has been created over the centuries by communities and groups in the context of their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and gives them a sense of identity and continuity, thus helping to promote respect for cultural diversity and traditional human creativity.
Spiritual heritage includes the traditional artistic creativity of a community, through values that are transmitted verbally or by other means, which essentially reflect the culture and identity of its members. The values of the spiritual heritage are created in close connection with the material and ethnographic heritage of the inhabitants as well as in unity with the landscape that surrounds them. For this reason, the spiritual heritage becomes the prominent spokesperson of the cultural identity of various peoples through music, dance, costumes, musical instruments, traditional means of living, etc.
Intangible or spiritual cultural heritage includes:
1. The use of language in literary works. 2. Oral folklore stored in memory, written or recorded. 3. Vocal, choreographic and instrumental folklore. 4. Traditional customs and docks. 5. Beliefs and superstitions of tradition. 6. Various traditional crafts.