Et`hem Bey Mosque

This is the only still existing mosque out of eight mosques that were built in Tirana in XVIII-XIX century.
Its foundation was laid by Molla Bey at the end of the century XVIII, and the chapel was completed by his son Haji Et’hem Bey in the first quarter of the XIX century. Molla Bey managed to build the dome of the mosque, but because of his death, the minaret, the portico, the plastering and the decoration of the mosque’s walls were left unfinished.
His son Haji Et'hem Bey finished the roof of the mosque, built the porch and decorated it with paintings and ornaments. The chapel was finished in 1236 'h (1820-1821).
The mosque is made of the chapel, portico on the north and east part of the mosque, and the minaret. The mosque stands on foundations in quadratic form with length and width 18,70 x 16.10 meters with a surface of 301 meters 2. It was built with stones brought from the village Shtish - Tufinë located on the east side of Tirana. None of the four facades of the mosque resemble to each other.
The prayer hall has a square plan and it was built with a unique volume covered with a leaden tin. Hall of Et’hem Bey’s Mosque in functional terms served in creating an environment with a second mihrab which served to pray for those who come later or not found a place in the prayer hall. The porch has the form of the letter "L", while the south part is closed with a wall. From the other side it is open with three arcades on columns, which, in contact with the walls are half columns. The porch is covered by a wooden roof and flat ceiling. Sanctuary has 18 windows in two horizontal lines, which gives her a limited light to create a mystical atmosphere. On the left and on the right side of the main gate were two graves. On the right is the tomb of Ballkizit, Sali Bey’s daughter and Haji Et'hem Bey’s wife, who died in 1260’h (1844), the tomb stone is still today. On the left is the tomb of Haji Et'hem Bey, where there is written the date of his death in 1265’h (1849) but the tiles tomb is missing.
This is part of the mosque complex buildings that make up the historic center of Tirana and is an architectural complex together with the Clock Tower. Et’em Bey’s Mosque was declared a cultural monument of the first category in 1948.
Skanderbeg Square