PROJECT: Project Circular Innovation and Resilient City Labs in the Adrion Region CIRCLE
Project Code: 959
INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020Second Call for Proposal - Priority Axis 2. Programme priority is Sustainable Region
Project duration 30 months, 01.02.2020-31.07.2022.
Total project Budget:1 126 190.00
Project Summery
Promotion of circular economy is the base of effective waste management/recycling models. In territories implementing CIRCLE it is provided a great opportunity both in terms of environmental remediation, mitigation of climate changes as well as for the creation of new green businesses/jobs. CIRCLE aims to increase and spread knowledge on practical viability of circular economy principles, through a collaborative approach involving innovation producer’s business actors, administrative and financial organisations as well as civil society within urban areas, where it is produced the biggest amount of waste, but also in places where innovative models can be implemented.
To achieve these results, CIRCLE will plan & develop Circular Innovation Resilient Cities Labs, through which to design & test circular models focused on 4 pilot fields that will be jointly developed by Project Partners:
- Industrial symbiosis, namely waste materials becoming usable materials for others;
- Organic wastes: they can largely be re-used for various applications, like bio-fuels;
- Electronic waste:
- A lot of valuable materials (for example copper) got from these types of wastes can be re-used;
- Demolition wastes, from which recycled aggregates, recycled feed, re-used bricks, plastic-board are obtainable.
Main outputs are:
1. Transnational strategy to design set up CIRCLABs;
2. A transnational action plan to implement pilot actions;
3. A CIRCLabs network. A transnational approach is needed because it allows exchange& share of experiences and joint research of new innovative approaches.
4. CIRCLabs are an absolute novelty in ADRION region, within wider EUSAIR strategy.
Lead partner: Municipality of Forlì
Project partner:
1. Municipality of Tirana
2. Municipality of Forlì;
3. Romagna Tech;
4. School Center Velenje;
5. RDA of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica;
6. Public institution for the development of the Međimurje County REDEA;
7. Energo-data;
8. Anatolikis. A Development Agency Of Eastern Thessaloniki's Local Authorities;
9. Institute For Innovation And Sustainable Development - Aeiplous;
10. Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Srpska;
11. Municipality of Laktasi;
12. Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura;
13. Regional Agency for Socio – Economic Development – Banat;
14. Municipality of Ulcinj;